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Sunday, May 8, 2016

Nonprofits and Socail Media in Cambodia

There is a dramatic growth in the number of Internet users in Cambodia if we were compared to the past.

During 2002-2008, have only few Cambodia users accessed the Internet in each day because of the extremely slow speed. However, four years later, the Internet users have increased up to 2.5 million users and will be increasing every day. This is huge changed due to the upgrade Internet speed and the affordable price.

Social media nowadays is becoming a part of the youth's life. They use more than one social media such as Facebook,  Youtube, Twitter, Instagram and so on. Similarly, most of nonprofits organization start to consider how to get the benefits from social media.

In early 2010s, more and more nonprofits have made social networking a key element of their communications strategy. For example, some organizations such as Pour un d'Efant, Cambodia Children's Fund, and PicoSol Cambodia have already reached the first step of being 'networked nonprofits'.

Most of organization create their own Facebook page and other social media in order to strengthen their communities of supporters, raised fund and broaden their communities. They try to post their activities and events as much as possible with the aim of getting the attraction from social media users.

To sum up, social media these days is providing much benefits to the users by sharing and transferring  news or information from one to another.